Why I Offer Creative Payment Options

There have been times in my life when I wanted to invest in something that I knew would be beneficial for me yet my financial resources weren’t there. Even though I recognized that this tool, class or resource was a perfect match for what I needed at that time I wasn’t able to do it. Not only did I not get the training or the help I needed, I found the experience to be self-defeating, adding to the “evidence” that I was not enough. The fact that I didn’t have enough money at the time didn’t mean that I was any less valuable as a person. I didn’t want charity or even a discount. I recognized the value of what was being offered and I wanted, and was willing, to pay. What I desired was an opportunity to make payment in a creative way using resources that were available and abundant to me. Although this was outside the cultural norm it retained balance in the universe by valuing what was being contributed TO me and valuing what was being contributed BY me.


Old Consciousness: Money IS the value system
New Consciousness: Money is just one resource with which value can be expressed.


So I created a model within my own business that opens up this opportunity to empower you. Please take a few moments to think about valuable resources you may have to share. Here is a list of some possible options to help get the creative juices flowing. You can choose an option from the list or feel free to offer an option of your own.


  • More flexible payment plan – smaller payments over a longer period of time.
  • Combined payment plan – a smaller monetary payment along with another resource (ex. Karen’s story: she paid a smaller dollar amount and offered to clean my office once a week)
  • Do you have a product or service to offer? Massage therapy, bookkeeping, auto-repair, vitamins, candles, etc (you get the idea)
  • Hosting a class or event of your own or helping to set up a Partnership Program
  • Gift Cards – I was once paid using gift cards received at Christmas
  • Frequent Flier Miles – Someone paid for a flight I took with their miles
  • What are your creative ideas???


If your financial resources are limited at this time and you would like to explore a flexible and creative win/win payment option please send me a message below and we will set up a time to talk to see what we can create together.


Creative Payment Options